Rita Mkpado
4 min readFeb 3, 2023

7 Ways to successfully Market Your Crypto Project to have More Investors

Web3 marketing differs significantly from Web2 because it goes beyond traditional digital marketing tools to emphasize decentralization and community building.

To successfully market your Crypto Project, you have to cover every angle beyond paid advertising to achieve organic growth

How can you market your start-up successfully?

First, understand that marketing is marketing, and it's about persuading people to take action and building trust because convincing someone to make a choice takes time.

This is why, no matter how good your project is, if people are not aware of it, you will not succeed.

Marketing in Web3 is more about building Community, trust and staying consistent


1. Community management 🫂

This cannot be overemphasized, as community drives adoption.

Building a Web3 community is not a one-size-fits-all bargain, nor is it a one-man show. This is because your community is not just about discord; they are also on other channels too, so keeping your community aligned and engaged is a good way to build relationships.

How are you able to accomplish this?

  • Frequent Announcement: They must be kept informed with frequent announcements
    When there is a delay, quickly inform your community and solicit feedback to help you maintain your trustworthiness.

The Web3 neighborhood can be understanding or not! Your strategy will determine everything

  • Engagement Strategy: have an engagement strategy, which can include weekly rituals, to create a culture people can identify with
  • Community Manager: have a CM present Always. The CM helps spearhead your engagement strategy by hosting AMAs, Welcoming new members, answering questions providing directions, etc never leaving anything to chance do you can focus on other things
    (Hire Me as a CM for your Project)

2. Crypto Ad Network 🔮

Web3 advertising has progressed beyond traditional advertising on Google or Facebook, where it feels like casting your nets into the sea and hoping to catch the right species of fish.

On the other hand, with Crypto Ad Network, it's like casting your net in a pond where your preferred species of fish are being trained.

With a platform like Bitmedia, you're able to target your audience based on certain on-chain activities and interests and increase your conversion rate.

3. Email Marketing 📨

Email marketing is dead!


I lied😂

I mean,

"not dead"

According to research by Hubspot, in November 2022, there are 4 billion daily email users, and 77% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement over the last 12 months.

With email marketing, you are able to pass project updates to people who may be too busy to check your social media every day.

To get email contacts, add a section on your website for people who would like to receive updates by subscribing.

4 Crypto Calendar 📆

Extending your reach with crypto calendars is another excellent way to successfully market your Crypto Project.

People check these calendars to get updates on projects to invest in and keep up with the latest updates.

Placing your upcoming events on these calendars can help you reach new audience

Crypto Calendars like Coinmarketcal, coins-calendar, and NFTcalendar.io is a great place to get updates and NFTdrops

5. Hiring 🌀

When hiring, most people make the mistake of rejecting talents due to lack of experience, neglecting other important factors

Having the right people on your team will help you cover all the bases, but in this case, knowing what or who is "right" is subjective.

Find a Balance in your Hiring

Finding people with experience is important for takeoff but you will be surprised how passionate people can be when given a chance.

When you’re ready to hire, choose candidates who are both the best and the most passionate

6. Influencers' Marketing 💹

Targeting influencers with quality engagement over quantity of followers is the secret to successful influencer marketing.

To achieve success with your influencers' marketing and budget, you need to step away from vanity metrics to put focus on what matters.

The most important factor in choosing influencers is their reputation, as this is what will propel people to take action based on trust. It's a great way to get new leads.

7. Partnerships and collaborations 🤝

In my opinion, this form of marketing in Web3 is incredibly underrated.

With partnerships, you are able to build trust with the audience of your partner easily.

You can also enter into partnerships with individuals for example for a wallet app, can enter into a partnership with an individual with a large audience of Web2 natives, and with the right incentive, you're able to attract new users with your app and onboard them into the space.

Key takeaway

The key to market your crypto project Successfully is to understand your specific needs and give them your undivided attention.Here, paying attention to a part that seems insignificant may end up being the reason why you become successful.Remember to set a Goal and keep this Goal aligned with your team members.Your goals can be anything fromCreating AwarenessGetting more UsersIncrease Total Value Locked (TVL)Getting private sale investor or VC fundingIn any case, keep in mind that you should address each of these problems separately to get the best results

Here`s an example
The majority of blockchain projects wants to attract more developers, as a result they create marketing strategies like hackathons to attract devs because more developers mean more dapps, which means more users and more liquidity. A Win-Winlastly, Working with the data from your Analytics are your secret weapon for Sustained Growth When you pick up momentumRemember that Web3 is still very much about experimenting. Experimenting can teach you a lot, so don't be afraid to try something new; it could be the only thing that gets you ahead.What's your favorite section of this article?

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Rita Mkpado

•Web3 Community Manager and Marketer• I write about Web3~ . Follow me to learn more