Rita Mkpado
3 min readMar 1, 2023

How to Choose the Right Social Media Platform for Your Web3 Project to reach your Ideal Target Audience

Most founders are clueless when it comes to choosing the right social Media platforms to expand their projects

Sometimes, it can be a bit challenging to choose which social media platform to focus on for developing your community because projects now feel the need to be active on all social media platforms in order to reach a larger audience.

Although it might be true in some ways, there are more drawbacks than advantages.

For the Most part, Most projects I’ve worked on or observed from a distance ends up neglecting all of these other socials as a result of poor management.

What criteria should I use to choose a platform, then?

It's crucial to comprehend three things in order to create a community presence online.

  1. What outcomes (goals) you anticipate from using this platform;

2. Will you be able to reach my target market here?

3. What contents best suits the audience on this platform

As a defi project, decide to be on Twitter over Facebook because there are many degens there, and posting relevant contents will help them easily find and support your project. naturally following research

Do you see how I added all 3 into choosing the right platform for a start?

Let’s admit it, Every project wants to have a large following, but what differentiates the winners from the losers are those who build organically over a sustainable period of time.

Currently, Web2 tools have proven to be more effective in helping projects build an online presence than their Web3 counterparts, who still have a lot of challenges with complex UI/UX.

When thinking of bringing your projects online, here are some of the best places to build communities and the types of audiences present there.

let’s dive in!

It's fine to have more than one community to begin with; I recommend four to avoid diluting your audience too much.

Here is my Pick

  • Twitter; For Open communication
  • Telegram/Discord For Closed communication
  • Team management (slack, notion etc. a private channel can also be used on your Discord/Telegram)
  • YouTube; For How tos, project information and a lot more video content
  • LinkedIn for more professional presence

The strengths of some of these platforms can help us know where to focus more.

1. LinkedIn; if your product is more B2B and you’re concerned about reaching more professionals and sealing those Partnerships

2. Twitter: This is the home for developers, investors, and just about everyone who has an interest in crypto. Good for open communication and building a reputation

3. Team management is often overlooked but it’s very important. For most Projects, they have a private channel on discord or a different telegram channel to communicate with the team members, whichever works for you

4. Youtube is great for users who learn faster from videos over written contents

5. Telegram/Discord is great for onboarding and It allows for nurturing your community’s talent.

Reddit, is super amazing for building subcommunities and increasing reach, especially among crypto natives. A great strategy for killing it on Reddit is not to create your own subreddits but to soft-shill your project in relevant subreddits.

Best practices

  • Maintain the same username across all social channel
  • Create the Content that your competitor will not
  • Employ a social Media Manager and Community Manager to ensure a set brand tone of message
  • Come off your high horses and Engage with your users and their comments
  • Create a feedback loop
  • Have a robust FAQ
  • Be Consistent

Key Takeaways

Building a community online is a journey of No return, once you decide to come online, you have to commit to it and keep getting better every day.

it’s really impossible to reach you full potentials, but you’ll find fulfillment at every milestone.

So until you have the necessary tools—mindset and human resources—keep planning.

Hey, Thanks for Reading

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Want to build your Community? Let’s Chat

Rita Mkpado

•Web3 Community Manager and Marketer• I write about Web3~ . Follow me to learn more